Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Arctic Snow Camouflage

We only get a few days of snow here in Kentucky.
So whenever the forecast says snow, I get a few vehicles ready for photos.
These were not quite finished but I figured I did not want to wait until next year!
I put a couple boards on an outdoor table and wait for the snow.  Then by sliding one board back a few inches it creates the cleared roadway.
The US Army did have an all white arctic camouflage scheme using flat white paint, but I have never found a photo of a vehicle in that camouflage.
My plan is to have a few different versions of this reconnaissance unit for Cold War Arctic use, with perhaps M48 and M60 series tanks in the white camouflage.
It does seem to fit in well with the terrain!


  1. We usually have the snow a little longer here in Norway. You can clearly get some nice photos when you bring your models outside. I even had a wargame outside this winter:

  2. Looks good ... and cold! Good modelling and using real snow too ! And yes, camo works !

    As I said before when I was in the ROK '84-'85. We whitewashed our M113 APCs, etc. during the winter. The Tankers only painted some parts of their M60A1 MBTs white. Left some of black and brown, etc. parts of the camo unpainted . We said they were just lazy !

  3. Thanks for commenting Roger. Having grown up in Southern California I had only seen snow a couple dozen times while on vacation or doing Army things. When I retired I looked for a place that had just enough snow to be fun but not enough to be a bother. We get a couple inches at a time and it is typically gone in a couple days.
    Outside wargaming in the snow sounds cool.

  4. Thanks Mr. 4. Great story on the camouflage.
