Thursday, March 28, 2024

Snow Fighting

We only get about 3 to 6 inches of snow per year, so when winter comes I get all my snow figures ready to deploy.
I rush outside and set up various figures and equipment while the snow lasts.
Sometimes it only lasts one day so I have to prioritize the photos.
These 60mm BMC Korean War US Army figures are new, so naturally they get first place.
Eight poses and each one is very good.  The fit well with the old Tim Mee 60mm figures but that set up will have to wait for new snow.


  1. We used to whitewash our vehicles to blend in with the snow. And even eventually got over whites to cover our camo uniforms.

    But it does look good to use real snow with you figures !

  2. I save up most of my winter work until the 2 or 3 times a year we get snow and then rush out take photos and rush back in for a quick warm up and another photo shoot.

    Thanks for reading Mr 4.

