Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Infantry Deploys

The snow beasts close on the robot.
More of them appear!
They are not fast, but light on the snow.
The infantry deploy around the spaceship and mostly towards the snow beasts.
The robot picked up the drone.
And slowly the robot moves towards the rocketship.


  1. Cool ! Really cool to take the pics in the snow ! Who makes the Snow Beasts ?

  2. Mr. 4 I have a small table outside my window and I put a couple sheets of chipboard on them to catch the snow. Then I can take photos from a bit of an elevated position so I don't have to lay on the ground, not that I won't, I just prefer not to.
    Snow Beasts are from Matchbox sets, from their Hitch n Haul line, it has been released in several different sets. They typically have one or two people figures, a couple animals, a trailer, and a towing vehicle with a monster, but sets vary. Ebay has them and they still release them from time to time.
