Tuesday, November 21, 2023

BMC New Set

I got a new BMC set of BMC Korean War Winter Battle - 24 American, North Korean, China Soldier Figures set.

It comes with eight figures of each side.
They are chunky 60mm scale figures.
The poses are all good action figures.
Lots of shooting and moving poses.
No heavy weapons, but plenty of submachine guns, a light machine gun, and officer for each group.
I don't usually buy "the enemy" for my 54mm / 60mm collection.
So I only got one set of these to get 8 figures in different poses from each of the three side, US Army, North Korean, and Communist Chinese.


  1. Sounds to me like a very useful set of figures, and, going by the photos, the sculpts and posing look to be at a higher standard than one usually associated with BMC. I like the look of them!
    That the THREE sides are represented, and in equal numbers, is interesting, too. I reckon one could have quite a lot of fun with these figures along with the standard Army Men Patton tanks on the American side.
    Thanks for the heads-up.

  2. Pretty accurate looking Chicoms.

  3. I'm not a fan of the Chicoms, but those are good-looking figures. Show us the USA guys and Norks when you can!

  4. Yes, Archduke, I was pleased they are doing all three sides too.
    Thanks for your comment.

  5. Yes, legion4 I think they did a good job with them

  6. Okay Jeigheff they are in the queue waiting their turn.
    Thanks for commenting.
