Tuesday, February 14, 2023

RCMP Officer

Trident HO scale RCMP van.
I am putting together police forces from the USA and the RCMP.  In the USA most police are local city or county.  We don't have an equivalent national police force to the RCMP here in the USA.
Bottom of the van.
The van comes almost fully assembled with just a light bar and rear view mirrors and bumpers to glue on.
WWII German figure by Odemars with a head swap of a WWI American figure from Airfix to make an RCMP police officer.


  1. Have you wondered why you haven't received any comments? Your images have been unreadable for several months. I alerted you then, but you seem to ignore my message. Damage.

  2. Bunkermeister has e-mailed to say that he has been blocked from this blog since September, he does not know why. He cannot therefore reply to comments. He had submitted several months worth of blog posts in advance, and is surprised they are still being published. However his photographs have been blocked, and the older ones removed. He is looking for a new blog site to use, but meanwhile he has a weekly model blog within the Fidelis Models website.
