Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Combat Car

In the late 1930s the US Army experimented with many kinds of light tanks.
Some had fixed turrets, and some had both wheels and tracks.
Neither of those two concepts caught on for production vehicles.
These toys were produced during that era and so are about 80 years old or more.
For about seven years I have been buying them here and there off eBay mostly.
This one is about average condition.  I like to buy the rather used ones, because they are cheaper and my plan is to strip the paint and repaint them in olive drab, apply period markings on them and replace the goofy cartoon wheels with more realistic resin cast tires.


  1. They look like pretty useful kit for inter-war war games, whether historical or imagi-Nations.

  2. Yes, that is my thought too. I think it is an interesting vehicle and I think using a toy made in the 1930s to play the 1930s is a pretty cool idea too. Thanks for the comment Archduke.
