Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Battle is Over?

The battle paused. 
The men repositioned.
HQ tried to find out what happened.
Then more robots were seen and taken under long range fire.
The robots seemed to be repositioning for another attack.
The tanks shuffled about to get clear fields of fire.


  1. I see a Roskopf M-79 in a photo. Why isn't it a M-113? Lol Mike. I hope you read my comments. It still has my email wrong! It is

  2. Sharp eye Carl. The Roskopf M59 is a rather rare kit, the real M59 was in production until 1960 when the M113 took over. The M47 was already being replaced in US service by then. So the M59 is the proper APC with the M47 tank, unless you want to go with the older M75 but I don't know of one in HO scale.
    Thanks for reading!
