Thursday, June 2, 2022

Big Old Batmobile

The big Batmobile from the 1940s.
Use the rudder to turn left.
The roof wing is sort of rubber and a little floppy.
Still a great model car.
I wondered if I could use if for 1/72nd scale?
Putting a 1/72nd scale Batman figure next to it the car does not look that big.  My intention is to say that is was a large, heavy armored car that required a big engine.  That's why it is as large as a big truck, built on a truck chassis.
So that gives it some plausibility.
They look great together.


  1. Thank you for the pictures, special for Batman plus the 2 cars. Shows the scale good.
    Yes, the older one could be that big, for different reasons. It look not out of place. Maybee a tractor? With ballast or extra armour at the engine?
    It looks a bit like the A-team van.

  2. Pre-WWII vehicles were often very large due to the massive size of their powerful engines. So an armored Batmobile built in the 1930s might need to be particularly large. At least that's my intention.
    Thanks for commenting Sebastian.
