Saturday, August 21, 2021

Operation Werewolf

It seems the German Werewolf program was more literal than we imagined.
WWII German soldiers with wolf heads.
Esci WWII Germans.
With heads from the Twilight Creations Zombie Wolf collection.
They are a bit large, but on the other hand how big is a werewolf head?


  1. Man, ESCI WW2 Germans! I loved these guys circa 1990! Painted with Humbrol! All chipped off within months!They tried to Hijack and control my North American HO railroad town but my Matchbox Dirty Dozen showed em what was what! My little pony spire blast templates. Then Desert Storm came on the TV...

  2. Werewolf conversions are off the wall! I never coulda imagined this in 1990! So cool!!

  3. Thanks for reading and commenting. Yes, I did not imagine it in 1990 either and I don't thing the Twilight Creations Zombie Dogs came out until later than that.

    It was a bit of fun.
