Thursday, July 15, 2021

MPC Ring Hand Figures

These are MPC ring hand figures, the WWII style.
I have collected these and the little parts for 60 years.
My long term goal is go get a large unit of them.
I would like to have at least three pieces of gear for every figure.
The prone guy has a bazooka, a helmet, and a belt, three parts.


  1. This is so f'n cool. I've never heard of MPC ring hand figures. I know that the toys I grew up with, 3 and 3/4 inch GI Joes, some of the best fun me and my friends would have, was customising the gear a Joe would carry. One time we had an elite team of about 7 Joes, geared up with packs, satchels, binoculars and of course weapons from every Joe we had, all riding in the Tomahawk for insertion behind Cobra lines...Beach Head had some great gear to distribute, so did Outback.that era of Joes had great accessories.. so f'n fun..thanks for your post, it reminded me of that time..

  2. I often got MPC sets as "consolation prizes" on birthdays and Christmas instead of Marx sets; I had a ton of MPC ringhands of all colors and types. Their "Daniel Boone" pioneers/ACW in brown, blue, gray. Their "GI's" or "Scientist/technicians" in various colors. All had one thing in common - never enough accessories and what I did have, got lost. As I said on FB - my MPC ringhand guys always ended up manning my undermanned artillery pieces.

  3. Forper these were long gone before you were born. Last ones I saw in a store was about 1970ish. Until eBay they were very hard to find. Even now they are often brittle. I buy 10 one eBay and half will be broken.

    Thanks for reading.


  4. Wayne W your experience is similar to mine. I did get a couple Marx sets, and with them the Marx accessories that work perfectly with Ring Hand figures, but ironically, Marx never made ring hand guys. I heard they put in those accessories to increase the parts count and not have to use much plastic! I had the MPC Civil War, a few Cowboys and Indians, African Natives and Hunters, Firemen and loads of the WWII / Cold War guys. I like the ones molded in white, I use them as scientists and doctors mostly.

    And yes never enough accessories. I used toothpicks, plastic toothpicks, Marx accessories, anything I could find to fill their hands. And being small the grenades and pistols got lost first! I have slowing been stocking up over the years. The Pirate, ACW, ARW, and Marx Cowboy sets have been recast. So they are available and cheap. Still no love for the MPC WWII sets, need more helmets!

    Maybe someday someone will 3D print them.

