Friday, March 26, 2021

M60-2000 or 120S Tank

Boley M1 Abrams tank.  It was an inexpensive model, but it has a Bradley suspension and the hull then is too short.
Top view shows a turret with no loaders hatch and no machine guns on the turret top.
Here is the turret on a Roco M60 hull and the side skirts are cut off an glued onto the M60 hull sides.
Near the end of the Cold War there were several versions of upgrades of the M60 series of tanks.  With 15,000+ M60 series vehicles having been produced and thousands still in service as the US Abrams tank was replacing the M60 series in US inventories, there was a need to upgrade these tanks if the Cold War were to flare up, or if other nations wanted an improved vehicle but could not afford the Abrams or similar tank.
This is essentially the M60-2000 main battle tank.  It is an M60 tank with an Abrams turret and side skirts, there were other upgrades available but this was the basic version.  It's an interesting looking vehicle and is a good use for the rather wonky Boley Abrams and for some of those spare M60 tanks you may have laying around your collection.  Don't throw away those Roco M60A1 turrets yet, or even those old Roco M60 turrets, more to come!

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