Monday, December 7, 2020

The Dragon of Crab Key


James Bond and his Aston Martin.
The city is in flames.
Dr. No considered he had the only armor in the island and decided to attack.
He failed to count on the response of James Bond.
His call brought in Jamaican troops.
Together they stand side by side and fight the dragon.
Who will win?


  1. Great stuff.

    The car is an Aston Martin DB5. Austin would have loved to make a car like that but, sadly, it was beyond them!

  2. Quite so, fat fingers typing strikes again. Thanks for the correction, fixed now.

  3. Hey Mike,
    Thanks for the post - who is the bond figure made by and how did you get him?

    I'm looking for a plastic toy 54mm 1:35 / 1:32 ish Bond for a cold war green v. tan campaign. Also, from where did you get those trees?

    Thanks! Alex, aka brasidas19004 of gmail fame.

  4. Hello Alex, figures are 1/72nd scale by Caesar Miniatures from their SAS figures set.
    The trees are mostly generic toy trees from various cheapo toy sets, mostly with animals and dinosaurs in them.

    Gilbert Toys made 70mm James Bond figures about 50 years ago, you can find them on ebay. Pretty big for 54mm figures, which is why I don't have any. They made about ten figures, Bond in tuxedo, and wet suit, Oddjob, Goldfinger and a few others.

    Thanks for reading.
