Friday, October 9, 2020

Russian Tanks


MIR HO scale T-34/85 tanks getting a green paint.
The MIR logo.
Just like the real T-34 tank these models were made in the bad old Soviet Union.
I got most of them from a half a dozen pen pals from Czechoslovakia back during the Cold War.
30 years later and I am finally getting them painted.
I love being retired.
Rust-Oleum camouflage paint Army Green, less than $4 at Wal-Mart.


  1. That color is a pretty good match for Soviet 4BO protective green; I just don't know why so many gamers and modelers insist on painting Russian hardware in various shades of dark bottle green with the excuse "well they just used what they could get". In a command economy like the Soviet Union you don't get a choice, they only make one kind of everything!

  2. I think it looks very close. I have seen a number of Cold War Soviet vehicles and it looks just like this to me. Yes, the Soviet Union used whatever they could get, but it's not like there were a lot of choices!
    Thanks for reading Stuart J
