Friday, October 16, 2020


Boley Jagdpanther in between houses.
After a heavy artillery barrage the city is in flames.
Fires rage out of control.
The heavy tank destroyer moves cautiously forward, knowing the enemy will soon launch a ground attack.
Limited traverse makes city fighting a poor choice for such a vehicle.
But a better choice for one with a turret.


  1. Nice pictures of the Jagdpanther - I've seen them on sale on Ebay but never bought any; what's your opinion of them as models? They look pretty cool-

  2. Hi Banzai, I think the Boley Jagdpanther is the best military model that Boley ever did. Many of their models had minor or even major problems. This one is pretty good. My friend Randy owns Fidelis Models and has a large number in stock right now. I got this one from him. Check it out.


  3. Thanks for the information! Since we're talking about good looking models; have you seen the latest Corgi Tiger 1 model? It's claimed to be 1/90th scale; close enough to HO to not matter, and it's in a really cool-looking deep dark green. Selling on EBY for $16.99, but I've seen it for sale on model sites for $11.99 (but "not in stock"!!)

  4. I have the older Corgi Tiger I and it is about the same size as the "new" Roco Tiger I. I suspect Corgi has just repainted it, but I will keep an eye out.
