Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Alamo Figures and Alamo Model


 Imex 1/72nd scale Alamo Defenders in the Alamo.


 The Alamo is expanded foam, by Hudson and Allen in 25mm.


 It's a great Alamo model.  It's as accurate as many of them are, and looks great set up.

While it's supposed to be 25mm and 25mm figures are often a little larger than 1/72nd these figures fit just fine.

Great figures and a great model!


  1. Thank you for the pics. I am about to start painting my model and I have the figs as well. I will host a game a local con and I want to use the 1/72 figs. I am afraid the players will wish I was using 28mm but as you stated the model is supposed to be 25mm. 1/72 is 22-24mm in reality and so closer to the model than 28mm (on paper). But holding a 28mm figure up to the chapel doors can comparing that with numerous tourist pics in front of the doors, it appears to me that the model is in actuality closer to 28mm than to 1/72. Thoughts? Am I missing anything? I am a 1/72 guy, but this game will be a marquee event so I'm a bit concerned.

  2. The model is supposed to be 25mm, however, metal 25mm figures can sometimes be larger than that by one or two mm. Add in the base and the headgear and they can actually be 28mm tall.
    The real issue is not going to be the size of the figures. 1/72nd scale figures look just fine with this model. And 28mm figures look okay with it too.
    Some wargamers are plastic snobs, they don't like plastic figures no matter how well they are painted, or how big they are. But metal figures, particularly 28mm can cost $1 per figure or even more. That's a lot of money. Given about 200 Alamo defenders, at not less than $1 each, then add in artillery, horses, and of course, Mexicans, it can be a huge expense. 28mm figures also tend to have very large bases and that can make it difficult to fit them in or on certain terrain pieces, so again, 1/72nd scale figures can be a better match.
    When I do a model set up, or a wargame set up, I do it to please myself. Most of the time other people will recognize the skill, the time, and the monetary investment and appreciate the work. Those who don't like it, don't have to play, and they are the only ones who are losing out. There is an old song by Rick Nelson, "you can't please everyone, so you gotta please yourself."
