Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Fire is Furious

The state militia keep up a rapid fire.  Few ever considered the state militia would be needed in an emergency and yet, here they are defending their homes and their neighbors from invasion!

The rounds fall closer to the target but the enemy war machine move nearer.

The barrage is deafening.

It that a hit?  Did they get one?

No, a near miss, they are still advancing.  How long is the range of the invaders heat ray gun?

The tractors get their steam up in case they have to withdraw, everyone knows they are too slow to escape even without the guns, the enemy war machines would over run them.

Two more near misses!  So close this time and still no hit!


  1. What are the cannons and are the vehicles made from Thomas the Tanks Engine?

  2. Vehicles are plastic and die cast metal from some series of Thomas the Tank Engine I got at Toys R Us in a close out sale. The cannons are slush cast, probably made in the 1930s. I got them off eBay and repaired them, gave them new wheels, and a new paint job based on US Army 1900ish paint schemes. There are several similar ones from several different companies. Search this blog for "slush cast" and you will find more photos.
