Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hasty Defense

Vehicles are held back while the troops deploy forward.

They have a battery of artillery and a few heavy machine guns.

A number of officers are sprinkled among the troops.

Still, no landmines in front, and no mortars.

Nor any wire obstacles either.

 A hasty defense like this has a number of disadvantages.


  1. I love gaming with 54-60mm Army Men, but I'm too old to crawl around on the floor, or the ground. I played a huge game, on a 12-foot by 36-foot table setup, last year. Planning another game like it, within the next few months.

    The first battle was a beach landing, then across a plain, and up a hill, to attack a city. It was a BLAST! The battle was nip and tuck, all the way. In the end, the invaders won, by a narrow margin. Tanks and artillery were brutal, causing massive infantry casualties.

    Next game will be pure city, fighting street by street, building by building. Artillery will play a small role, due to multi-story buildings. Tanks will help, but they will also be very vulnerable, with short LOS. Infantry will rule the day... This will be quite the opposite from the last game. Sooo looking forward to it.

    Thanks for sharing your battle. Cheers!

  2. How do you reach the center of a 30 foot table? Sounds like a great game.

    Thanks for reading SGT Slag. Come back often.

