Friday, January 17, 2020

Sherman Tank by Roco

Roco Sherman tank, Z-202, HO scale, 1/87.

This may be the last unaltered Roco Sherman in my collection.

The mold is tired, note the two holes at the top of the mantelet. 

This particular model I got used in a collection and has seen some rough times.  The sides of this model are rather scruffy, but that's due to whatever the previous owner did, not how Roco hulls usually look.  Typically the side hull is very smooth.

This hole in the drive wheel is a common mold flaw in the old Sherman.  I have had very old ones that did not have the problem with the mantlet or this hole.

The rear decking seems to be a combination of two different Sherman engine styles.

I have heard speculation that there may be some odd Sherman modification that created this non-standard deck, perhaps a post World War Two Austrian version, since Roco is made in Austria.

Bottom with the little wheels and retainer removed.

Like the Sherman tank itself, this model was not perfect but it won a lot of battles!


  1. I believe this model is of a M4A4 Sherman. I have 5 of these, which I simply use as M4 Shermans. ROCO made another Sherman variant as well, quite noticeably smaller.

  2. Yes, I got a new upper hull in resin from Paul Heiser about 20 years ago and all my Roco got an upgrade to the new hull type.
    Heiser models makes three great Shermans in plastic, each better than the Roco.
