Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Soviet Tank Company

Soviet command post, 1942.  Made out of sheet styrene for the base, dyed gauze for the netting, and sprue for the "wooden" supports.

Soviet T-26 tanks prepare to move out to support a limited infantry counter attack.

Heavy armored cars will provide flank security in their role as cavalry.

The tanks are slow but the armor is good.

Supply horse and limbers for the infantry guns.

Machine gun armed tanks in the front to defeat infantry weapons.


  1. That looks good Mr Mike.I like the gauze camo net. Have a good day

  2. Thank you Gary, it'a and old trick, but cheap and effective.


  3. I'm impressed with the simplicity of the command post, an Ivan Ivanich Ivanov vaulting the table... The 27-tank inventory is pretty awesome as well!

  4. Thank you Archduke Piccolo. A few years ago I spent some time making command posts, supply dumps, and various other small pieces for my wargame armies. I think it adds a little extra to the visual appeal of the army and also provides objectives for the enemy. Thanks for reading.
