Friday, September 20, 2019

United States Army Air Force

These started life as the hideous yellow Airfix USAAF figures.

The figures are fine, it's the yellow I can't stand.  Now with the help of Rust-Oleum 2X primer for plastic I have painted them.  The light greed and dark green are also Rust-Oleum colors.

The little airplane is a Hot Wheels sort of a P-51 Mustang.

A few ground crewmen attend a fighter plane as the pilot prepares to  board.

One last crank of the wrench and it's chocks away!

Military police watch.


  1. Yeah that Airfx yellow was just terrible and the bright red used fot the British was no improvement.And you got those early Italeri figures in silver yuck! I don't paint many figures ( I will spray paint enmasse) so I like my figures in national colors in light neutral colors like gray, tan, or brown. Oops I got a little carried away and off topic have a good day

  2. I hear you Gary. That yellow was terrible, I don't know what they were thinking. I was told the silver was to mimic metal figures, but who thought that was a good idea? And the red is okay if you are redcoats, but other than that, no.
    Like you I don't paint much either.
