Monday, August 19, 2019

A7V and Infantry Support

Figures by Akheton and Airfix.

Tanks are metal, I think they are by Akheton too, 20mm.

I have had these at least 20 years and probably longer.

Little plastic fences just showed up one day on their own.  I have no idea where I got them.

World War One Airfix German soldiers.  What two things are unusual about this figure?  Post a comment in the comments if you have a guess.

A group in the attack.


  1. Just love Great War wargaming minis! One thing about the German soldier is the hand holding the rifle looks a bit odd, almost as if he has two right hands, but it's probably just me... ;)
    Do you plan to put a camo job on the A7Vs? Never seen this brand before....

  2. These are only two of my A7V models and they will stay overall light gray. I am posting more photos of them over the next few days so come back and check it out.

    These figures are Airfix WWI Germans and were designed in the early 1960s, with helmet conversions. The other figures are metal and also at least 20 years old. I think Akheton is out of business, but I am not sure.

    Thanks for reading.


  3. I have a lot of toys that just show up at my door, I don't know how that happens! Lol

  4. Me too, very odd. I guess they just know where to go to be loved.
