Sunday, July 14, 2019

Musical Accompaniment

I have been going through my collection of hard plastic WWII American figures trying to do some conversions into different things. I am doing some head swaps and other alterations for them.  M1 helmets are being replaced with the Montana Peak hat, the visor hat, and the M1917 British style helmet.  The Montana Peak hat has been used by US Cavalry troops for over 100 years, drill instructors, and various other units.  The visor cap was worn in the Interwar Period and went about just before World War Two.  The M1917 helmet, as the name implies, was used from 1917 to about 1945 but mostly gone by 1942.

The gray figure with the white stick is a hard plastic copy of the Airfix USAAF military police figure with billy club, only the copy does not have the club.  I have replaced it with a plastic stick.  As you look back farther into the group, you can see some head swaps with the M1917 helmet and Montana Peak hat and visor cap.

Each of my battalions gets a musician, or two.  Here I am instituting a bagpipe player, accordionist,and guitar player for each unit.  Troops get a morale bonus in my rule set if they have musicians in their units.

The kneeling field phone operator from the Roco and Anzio sets is getting new headgear too.  The Guitar player is a motorcycle rider who is off his Harley for a quick tune.

The guitar goes back several hundred years and so I am working on giving them to all by 20th Century American armies.

Many of you likely recognize this Airfix WWI American Army soldier who used to have a rifle on his lap. .

Here are guitars and pipers together.  If only I had a 1/72nd scale banjo....