Monday, June 24, 2019

Soviet Trains

I have been working on more Soviet armored train cars.

This is an old gondola car.

Probably made by Tyco or some other cheap rolling stock.

I cut up a second car to make the higher side wall.

I happened to have two very old 37mm Soviet anti-aircraft guns and one when into each end.

The rocket launch rails were from a collection I purchased 20 years ago.

They finally got their permanent home!

The Soviets made several train cars like this.

Here  it is with my railway gun.

Providing anti-aircraft protection for the big cannon.

Now my Soviets have even more ability to conduct major operations.


  1. This is turning into a very interesting project.

  2. Thank you Rob. I started it about 10 years ago. It took a while to gather the bits and then I built them all at once. I still need to do some painting.
