Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Small Ships

For the first time in a long while, I did some work on the 1/2400 fleet.

The Queen Mary.


Cargo ship.

This is a little plastic red ship model.

I use it as a coast defense ship.

It's rather old like a ship made in the late 1800's.

Shown here with the Bremen.


  1. cut the turrets off the little red ship and you have a perfect Lightship

  2. Thanks for reading Els. That's a great idea! I will do that, I have several of them.

  3. Little ships are cool. This is a reach, I know, but I have to ask; when I was about 5 (so 1963-1964, thereabouts) I had a number of little plastic warships; battleship, carrier, destroyers all pretty detailed, with moving turrets, and aircraft, and to scale; along with some wildly out-of-scale (black) submarines. The same company made sets of cargo and passenger ships as well. Being a bit too young for nice things, I quickly broke or lost all of them, and I have been looking ever since for replacements - the ships were all full hull models (not waterline); warships were grey, black hull below the waterline, with light detail painting; the merchant/passenger ships were in different liveries.
    Now, since you are the Gandalf of this stuff; do you have any idea who made those sets? It's possible they were European, as my father was stationed in Germany at the time.

  4. I also remember having ships of that description in hard plastic that came pee-assembled, but I don't know who made them. I replaced those with the soft plastic waterline MPC ships pretty quickly. Good hunting Banzai.
