Tuesday, May 14, 2019

M40 Gun Motor Carriage

Roco Minitanks M4 high speed tractor, Corbitt truck, and M40 155mm guns.

Atlantic 1/72nd scale figures Modern Artillery crews.

The stack of supplies are resin.

I take model barrels, and crates, and boxes and glue them to bits of sheet styrene cut to fit into the beds of trucks.  Then they can be used as supplies in the trucks or as a supply dump.

Four guns of this type make up a battery.

These self-propelled guns were first fielded in World War Two by the US Army.

They saw only very limited service in Europe before the war ended but served in Korea.

They were also used by the UK.

Welcome to my readers from the UK!


  1. Mike:
    Always good to see some of the classic RoCo vehicles again.

    Carry on.
