Friday, May 3, 2019

GI Joe Atventure Team and the Carnosaur

A huge carnosaur. 

Crashing through the wilderness without fear of other predators.

GI Joe, Mike is approached by the monster.

He stands unaware of the danger.

Randy joins him.

They are alert for the approach of danger.

Despite this they miss the danger approaching.

The monster gets closer and closer.

The Springfield with scope for long distance work.

With a Springfield without the scope.

With a shotgun.

The three together.

Hey, Joe, turn around, slowly.

Hey, Randy, turn around, slowly.

Uh, oh.

Staring contest.


  1. Mike:
    Geez, how large IS that dinosaur anyway?
    (bet you don;t get many of THOSE to a

    Carry on.

  2. These are life size dinosaur models, so they are really big.
