Saturday, April 13, 2019

Police K9 and Buildings

San Diego Police patrol near the train terminal.

The K-9 unit checks the terminal and post office for drugs, and bombs.

These dogs do work men cannot possibly do alone.

Checking the station neighborhood, Airfix NATO Ground Crew as SDPD.

I took copies of Marx sheet metal buildings, re-sized them, and printed them out on paper and glued them to foamcore board.

I used them to make some building fronts for taking photos.  You be the judge of how it worked out.

Welcome readers from Italy!


  1. Mike:
    The buildings came out fine (imho).
    And the K9 and officer look good next to the SDPD vehicle.

    Carry on.

  2. Buildings are just false fronts I am using for photos and as background buildings. Glad you like them.
    Thanks for reading G.
