Friday, April 5, 2019

Matchbox Submarines

Matchbox keeps recycling their old deep sea submersible.

It has been out a number of times and this time in green, white, and gray colors.

I think it's a great little submarine.

Very nice propellers at the rear.

Vertical propellers too.

The viewing dome.

Top view, nice markings, I think.

Bottom view, the hole could be used to take a rod so it could "fly" above your table.

 Place the submarine on an upside down clear plastic glass so it can hover over the sea floor.

An older version in yellow and blue.

Two of them.


  1. Mike:
    Very cool.
    Looks like the kinds vehicles you'd find in one of the (many) cargo holds of THUNDERBIRD 2.

    Carry on.

  2. Competition for Thunderbird 4.
