Monday, April 8, 2019

Arctic Deployment

The Matchbox RSQ-18 rescue tank.

It reminds me of the Soviet MTLB vehicle.

It's configured as a snow rescue vehicle.

I have a small number of Arctic vehicles in my collection.

Ever since I first saw Ice Station Zebra I have had a small interest in Arctic warfare.

Even in a Cold War setting, small numbers of vehicles might find themselves in confrontation in the Arctic.

In the Cold War the USA and USSR were not enemies, but they were far from friends.

Many times they would confront each other on the high seas, or in the Arctic.

Sometimes they would work together, to rescue someone, often a third party.

Other times they would work against each other.


  1. Mike:
    Now THAT is a very cool vehicle.
    Where DO you find these?

    And I also remember seeing ICE STATION ZEBRA...back in Philly (the Orleans theater), in Super Panavision 70 on a huge, honking forty foot curved screen.
    (now that was cool...and still is, imho)

    Carry on.

  2. Wal-Mart G, in rural Kentucky, USA.

    Ice Station Zebra was a great movie.

