Saturday, January 12, 2019

US Army Light Tank

21st Century Toys Stuart light tank in 1/6th, GI Joe, scale.

On patrol.

This light tank has a crew of four.

The turret has a 37mm gun and .30 caliber machine gun, with a second .30 caliber machine gun on the roof.

A third .30 caliber machine gun is in the bow.


  1. John D.:
    Now THAT is just plain AWESOME.
    The folks at 21st Century made some great war-era machines and soldiers.
    Highly detailed and wonderfully sculpted.

    I figured if I knew ANYONE that owned one of the 1/6 HAD to be you.
    A shame they went under. I have the 1/32 scale M24 Chaffee...and a P-51C.
    The "X-Treme" (detail) series goes well with any 3.75 figures.

    That's a real keeper and worth quite a lot in the collector's realm.

    Carry on.

  2. Yes, G, it's a great toy. I wish 21st Century could have continued, I purchased a lot of their accessory sets and some of their figures, all in 1/6th scale. Now that I am getting unpacked a little expect to see more.
