Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tank Visibility

Tanks are very capable but they do have their vulnerabilities. 

One of them is it's hard to see out of a tank.

Tank crews often sit or stand so they can look out of the hatch and keep an eye out for the enemy.

As a result, one way to combat tanks is to fire machine guns or high explosive at the tank.

That will frequently cause the crew to drop down into the tank.

Tank crews that can't see you, have difficulty shooting at you.


  1. Mike:
    That FIRST picture in the post looks TOO real.
    Very well done.

    Carry on.

  2. Thank you G. Most of the trees around here are about 6 inches in diameter so they don't look too big with GI Joe. The secret is to get down low with the same view of the model as you would have with real vehicles. I was laying down on a tarp.
