Saturday, December 15, 2018


A box to be unpacked.  Labelled as M60 it is likely Roco M60 tanks but could include anything.

You can see tanks inside the box and a layer of peanuts.

A 14 cubic foot bag of peanuts, I am refilling about one every day or two!

Box lid removed and a sea of peanuts to remove.

Peanuts are removed, and the contents are removed, but the box has a stain on it.

Box is cleaned up using spray cleaner and an old cloth.

A piece of cloth and a lining of bubble wrap is laid down inside the box.  The vehicles will be dusted off and returned to the box.  The bubble wrap is taped at each corner to stay in place and the index card is undated or replaced as needed.  This method of storage with peanuts got the vehicles shipped 2,000 miles, held in storage for a year and then re-shipped 10 miles to my new home with almost zero damage.  Not bad for 600+ boxes of hobby stuff and household goods.

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