Sunday, November 25, 2018

Snow Planet

Galaxy Laser Team lands on an ice world.

A perfectly black night with a perfectly white ground.

This kind of cold is hard on lobster turtle.

They are exploring, but finding nothing but darkness and snow.

Some of the team are from arctic worlds.

Feels like home.

A response from the locals.

Turn to withdraw but it's all darkness and snow.

We got 1/4 inch of snow the other day at about 1:00 a.m. and so I gathered the troops together and went outside for a quick photoshoot.  I knew snow was supposed to be coming so I placed a large rectangle sheet of plastic on top of my outside table and waited for the snow to fall.  I raced outside and took a bunch of photos and ran back inside were it was warm.  Photos were done both with and without flash for different effects.


  1. Mike:
    Nothing w5rong with taking full advantage of mother nature and what she tosses at us.

    Well done.
    Carry on.

  2. Thank you G. We got four seasons here, I figure I may as well use them.
