Thursday, October 4, 2018


A lizard from Dollar General.

Without his name tag.

The flip side of the ticket.  I don't think I will retain it!

Front view.  The surface detail is great.

The colors are very nice I think.

His feet fit the ground pretty well.

Pretty good lizard, Irwin Allen would be proud.


  1. I use a lot of 'toys' in my armies from lots of sources - sea creatures from sea centres, assorted things from toy shops... usually don't need any work except basing and often as cheap or cheaper than 'regular' wargames figures!

  2. Good job, Rob Young. I remember a company offering woolly mammoths at about $40 each. In plastic I could get them for about $3 each. A whole herd for $40! And the toys were already painted, assembled and more durable.
