Wednesday, October 3, 2018

House Construction Update

MRS Bunkermeister on the ramp to the front door.  We are getting older and thought a ramp might be a good idea.  The hay will be spread around on the ground after the grass seed is planted to keep birds from eating it.

Front porch with lighting.

Side entrance.  This will go into a mud room where people can clean their shoes off and hang coats.  Rear deck exits the kitchen and is for bar-b-que and relaxing.

The little bulldozer will scrape away a space for the car port.  Driveway will be gravel.

It's 100 yards, about 95 meters from the front door to the roadway.  Lost of space to play with the Army Men outside.  My land is the right half of this picture.


  1. Mike:

    WOW...that is looking VEARY nice indeed.
    You two are truly blessed with this.

    Carry on.
