Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Got this T-Rex at Dinosaur World, in Kentucky.

A nice big old school fat, tail dragging one!

Big teeth coming up at you.

The surface detail is amazing on this toy.

Sized just right for 60mm too.

Tyrannosaurus, ask for him by name, and accept no substitutes, available where ever fine dinosaurs are sold.


  1. Mike:
    "Made in China..."
    What isn't these days?
    I admit they're better looking than even the MARX ones from a long time ago, though.
    (not that keen on the color, however.

    Nice find.

    Carry on.

  2. That's a nice one!

    I too am a connoisseur of the chubby tail dragging Theropods you used to see on the old hard back coffee table dinosaur books. It's good to meet a fellow man of refinement.
