Friday, March 16, 2018

Breaking News

For two years now, MRS Bunkermeister and I have realized that when we retire we would not have a large enough income to live in Southern California.  So we have been looking all over the country for a place to retire.

Last year, MRS Bunkermeister and I retired from our jobs, sold our house and moved into an apartment in Kentucky.

Now we have signed a contract to spend our whole life savings on a new, custom built home.

They broke ground just this week on a 1.1 acre lot that has never been built upon.

We will have a gravel driveway and a walk out basement for the World Headquarters of Bunker Talk.

The basement will be 1,800 square feet of concrete.  My intention is to be able to store the whole Bunkermeister Collection in one place for the first time in over a decade.

The area is very rural and our nearest neighbors are cows!


  1. Mike:
    Well, it would seem that congratulations are in order.
    (good for you both)
    We'll pray for a safe and smooth transition to the house when it's completed, you move in and make it a HOME.

    Carry on.

  2. Thank you G. Going from a 3 bedroom tract home to hotels and now an apartment has been a shock! We will be happy to get into our new home! Thank you for the prayers, God always gives us what we need even if it's not always what we want!
