Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Voyage to the Lost World

My voyage to the lost world team was supposed to represent an expedition from Hollywood, I selected figures that would likely appear in movies of the period.  That way they could not only film the monsters they expected to find, but also create footage to use in major motion pictures.  Here is an Indian.

Updated to include a WWII era US Army canteen.  This expedition was to take place in 1946 or 1947 and so the figures had to express that in some way when possible.

The other Indian figure, this time with a rifle.  What's so unusual about that?

Look carefully and you will recognize the rifle is not a Winchester, but rather an M-1 Garand!  I did a bit of conversion work from a WWII Revell USMC figure.

Cowboy figure.  Lasso that T-Rex.  Shades of Valley of Gwangi.

A man who is good with a lasso can be very handy and many of those old cowboy actors had been real cowboys.


  1. The west might of been different if the indian had the garand.

  2. It's the real reason Custer did so poorly.
