Monday, January 9, 2017

Army of Doom

The Latverian Army has a variety of basic figures.  Some are Emhar Napoleonic French, Napoleonic British, Pegasus WWII Soviet Infantry in Greatcoats and a few others.

Nearly every figure got a headswap.  All the British and all the French Napoleonics got headswaps.

The figures are all painted in the same gray uniform.

Their equipment is brown.

Figures are all 1/72nd scale.


  1. Really nice idea, a little bit of paint makes a lot of difference. Do you think these chaps could use a few Gatling guns?

  2. Thanks John Rowe. Your comment posted three times so I deleted two of them.
    Given that these are from a comic book, I suspect they will receive more fantastical weapons to supplement their breech loading cannons.

  3. I really like them, excellent conversions..they had me guessing as to the make until I read that they had had head swops. They remind me of something but I can´t place my finger on it. My first thought was of the film "the golden Compass".

  4. I've sometimes thought of using the oversized Atlantic Red Army Maxim(?) gun as some sort of 'steam punk' weapon..

  5. Welcome Paul's Bods. I enjoy reading your blog, some interesting concepts, I think the Giraffe Spacemen was the best! I never saw The Golden Compass. That's exactly what I wanted, some troops that looked familiar, but that did not look exactly right. I was somewhat inspired by Wizard of Oz and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

  6. John Rowe, did you know the Gatling Guns came in one inch caliber? I was considering using the Oversized Atlantic Red Army Maxim in that role.
