Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bunkers and Emplacements

It's been resin building time in the bunker.

These pillboxes are typical late 19th Century and early 20th Century defenses.  The US Army used bunkers like this for coast defense, and similar ones were used all over Europe.  The lower left one has been finished in a World War One era US Army three color pain scheme.  They did not consider white and black to be "colors" as such.  The one to the right is not finished.

Resin cast HO scale M7 Priest.  There are 54 of these in a battalion, I think.

That's a lot of firepower.

This U shaped position is perfect for hull down tanks, and for artillery, particularly self-propelled guns.  Those Priests gotta go someplace.

This is the unpainted bunker.  I am making them in batteries of four guns, each with a small observation bunker painted in the same style.

Here are the three color US Army WWI Era bunkers  I think the camouflage is very disruptive of the shape of the bunker.  It's olive drab, dark green, light grey, as the 'colors' and white and black edging.  The shell holes are painted by Woodland Scenices dark earth color.

 The flat Olive Drab on the far left is not unlike the WWII era US Army color, I used Testors Model Master 1911 paint for that.  There are four, but two did not make the cut.  The shiney ones are Gunze Sangyo #78 semi-gloss Olive Drab.  During the 1920's and 1930's as the US Army had not fought in a war for a while they moved more towards what looked nice rather than what works in combat.  Many vehicles were painted in semi-gloss or were coated in oil to look shiney for parades or inspections.

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