Saturday, October 15, 2016

Cold War

The US Army looked at a number of vehicles during the Cold War to replace the Jeep.

If there had been a major war, it is possible that several of them would have been used in combat.

 Fletcher Flair 115 was an amphibious vehicle that was not accepted for service.  This model is from Midge Toy and I got it from eBay.  I stripped it and repainted it and added decals.

The Coyote 500 is very very similar to the FMC XR-311.  The Coyote 500 has been released in many versions by Matchbox, with only paint differences.

The Hummer won the competition, but in a major war, they may have purchased both.

I use these vehicles with my Cold War Gone Hot scenarios.


  1. Nice models and I will start follow your projects and your blog from now.Keep posting.Cheers/Peter

  2. Thank you Ptr. Read the old posts too, 10,000 photos wait for your inspection.
