Friday, June 26, 2015

WWII Ring Hand Weapons

Marx, MPC, and several other companies made similar weapons and accessories.

No one has recast them as far as I know, not the WWII style weapons.

They come in silver and several shades of green.

There are at least three kinds of submachine gun.


  1. I would have loves them as a kid, I never saw them before, I did have some space aliens plastic figs silver and gold colour that you could swap out the weapons

  2. These were great toys, thanks for reading. I never saw those space aliens.

  3. Mike:
    O DO know that some of the hardest-to-fins weapons are the space pistol and rifle.
    (molded in gold, as I recall).

    The helmets ALWAYS broke off of the backpacks,
    God, I miss these guys and gear.
    Someone DOES need to recast them as well as those MARX weapons.

    Carry on.

  4. Spot on G. I stopped buying the space weapons because they typically just crumble in your hands once they arrive in the mail. Too bad they don't get recast.

  5. Spot on G. I stopped buying the space weapons because they typically just crumble in your hands once they arrive in the mail. Too bad they don't get recast.
