Monday, May 4, 2015

T34s in Storage

Tanks returned to barracks.  Underbed storage box by Rubbermaid.

Small plastic storage box from Dollar Tree.  Ten for a dollar.  I use them to store parts that fall off the kits.  One box like this in each underbed storage box.

A bit of drawer lining goes on the bottom of each box and then it's lined with corduroy cloth.  The drawer lining keeps the corduroy in place and the corduroy keeps the tanks from bumping around.

Each box gets a large 3X5 card with a notation as to the contents.  I use plastic boxes rather than cardboard.  I had too many problems with water soaking the boxes and ruining them, bugs getting inside and making a mess, and even mice making a nest in a box!  No such worries with plastic.


  1. Thank you Harry. It's the advantage of having essentially one hobby for 55 years! I little here and a little there and eventually you got a lot!
