Tuesday, March 24, 2015


WWII Japanese Army pilots from Red Box in 1/72nd scale.

I like the ground crews, perfect for China or a small island.

Installing bombs and painting kill markings.

Red Box has really improved their stuff.

Three sets of WWII Japanese Pilots from Redbox, and all great.

Shown here with Airfix figures.  The sets go together well.


  1. I got a few Red box sets a few years back, the flash was so bad I could only use about 30% of the minis, never buying Red box stuff again

  2. shintokamikaze, you are correct; Redbox were also on my don't buy list. Recently they have gotten much better and I rate them as good as Airfix now. There was no significant flash on these three Japanese sets, I was as happy as I was shocked!

  3. SHOCK! awe! these are good! So good I alMOST want to satrt collecting 1/72! maybe these guys for a KAIJU-themed playset? http://www.clubtokyo.org/listings/itemListingRpt.php?catID=1&subCatID=3&contentID=629

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_vs._King_Ghidorah

    Perhaps a little Kaiju action based on this movie to give a use for WWII Japanese troops.
