Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wagons, Trees, and Mammoth

I got this mammoth at Hobby Lobby.  It was on sale.  It says it is not a toy.  I am sure it will decorate my wargame table.

It is resin, so the trunk and tusks are a bit fragile I suspect.

They had several but I only got one.

This is the tree I got earlier, shown with a 1/72nd scale figure for size.

Shown again with the small spooky three.

Same figure with the circus wagons.  Note the reflection in the mirrored wagon side.

Circus mammoth?


  1. OMG that Halloween Tree is enormous!! I thought it was about 40mm from your earlier photo. That'll look awesome as some central feature of a wargaming table. Really nice find, and thanks for posting the scale comparison shots. Much appreciated.

  2. The Spooky Tree is enormous for 1/72nd scale and about average for a 54mm size figure. I like to post comparison shots so you have a better idea of what's out there.
