Monday, August 11, 2014

Roco Repair

Master Modeller Wayne Wanner has done it again!

He got a motley collection of used Roco Minitanks and rehabilitated them.

Using bits from the spares box and other sources he brought these old junkers back to life.

You can see from the photos this group of late war used vehicles makes a nice kampfgroup on its own.

A small group like this might support a battalion German infantry against a regiment of Americans, or Soviets.

Good work WW!


  1. Nice work. I had not heard of Black Dog before. They make nice stowage. I'm real interested in what revell has to say about the cylon centurion.

  2. Great website I've been checking over last few days NOT VERY OFTEN you hear KAMPFGRP TERM!! ROCO MINI TANKS NON EASY TO acquire in UK ... THANKS

  3. Thanks for reading Russ MAY. I am glad to see you checking out some of the older posts. Over 20,000 photographs posted on this blog. Many thousands of them Roco and other HO scale models. Check out Fidelis Models I get a lot of my vehicles from them.

