Wednesday, October 9, 2013

French Troops, Ykreol

Jean Colonna D'Ornano, Battle of France.

Delattre de Tassigny, Free French.

Marcel Deslaurens, France, died 1940.

Diego Brosset, France, 1940.

General De Gaulle, Free French, and later, President of France post-war.

Plastic Soldier Review showed the gray troops and they have a mold seam on several poses.  The green troops don't have that mold seam, and are all fine, I don't know why.


  1. Good review !
    ("French" celebrities could be better for the name ...)
    I think that I have the green version of this set... not sure..

  2. Thanks for reading Sam. The set is brand new, so if you got it, you got it in the last few months. Ykreol also makes a German Commanders set and it came in green, and gray, and black, and tan...
