Monday, September 9, 2013


This HO scale roundhouse is a building used to store locomotives while they are cleaned or repaired or serviced.  This bay is extended length so it can hold long locomotives.

This is a standard bay.  The center white area would have railroad tracks in it.  The raised concrete spaces are walkways and service areas.

This building has a very nice interior for a building with no real windows that will allow you to see much inside.

The roof parts did not join up exactly, and I used window maker to patch up the space.

I did not glue down the center roof parts.

I left them open so I could remove them and move troops and trains around inside.

It's a large building.

I like the building, despite the problems in building it.  It does not come with a base, I will probably glue it down to this large piece of plastic.

The center sections sit nicely on top.  Now all I gotta do is get my trains and track out of storage.

This was two Heljan Con-Cor kits, the train shed and the extension set., in HO 1/87th scale.