Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1938 US Army Update

These US Army vehicles are part of my 1938 US Army.  They are all very old models, some are perhaps as much as 80 years old.  I got most of them from hobby shows and eBay.  Many were in very bad condition, dented, mis-molded and most were missing a lot of their paint.

These are 37mm anti-aircraft guns.  I am priming them.

Their original paint was in very poor condition.  I soaked them in Simple Green to remove the old paint.

Now I am using a white primer to start bringing them back into service.  Most were missing some or all of their wheels.

Today is 9/11.  Be sure to remember those who were killed and those who continue to defend our liberties, including our allies from the UK, Japan, Australia, NZ, Canada, NATO, and many other nations!