Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bunkermeister Collection

A few WWII German river barges from Paul Heiser Models, in HO scale resin.

A bit of a break from Custer, with this collection of Opel Blitz trucks, enough to move an infantry battalion.  Roco Minitanks, HO scale plastic.  Also a few other items from Wiking and others.

Back in olden times, we did not have those new fangled Paul Heiser Models 251 halftracks or even the fancy Trident ones.  We had the Roco SWS halftrack and we made do, here an infantry battalion of them.

Lima Leopold railway artillery, with locomotives, box cars and other RR bits.

No showcase of WWII German vehicles is complete without more Tiger II tanks than the Germans ever had at one place at one time.